Tuesday, September 4, 2007

In AWE of its BEAutY!

this is just a pic of sara and I standing in front of the temple! It was her first time ever even seeing one! It was an awesome experience to be able to share with her the truth and i hope she doesnt forget how she felt! everyone keep sara & tyson in there prayers! :D


The Larsen's said...

k that picture is cool. how did you get the colors like that? Does it feel so good that you have helped plant a seed for someone that will change their life? Again I am so proud of you! You are a role model for me in so many ways! sure do love and miss you! :)

Mahalia said...

hey whit! i hope you don't mind that i'm on your blog! i love this pic though how did you do it? i have always loved the slc temple and now even more since we got married there.