Sunday, March 23, 2008

Bath time...

not so happy right now.

Oh he is so gosh darn cute. I have been staying at my moms for the past week just because I cant get enough of this little turd. I am so so excited to have lou and her family close by finally, and I'm sure everyone can agree. What would we do if we weren't able to see little Chase monkey grow up?


Lorna said...

Ha Ha! You are getting a glimpse into what real life is all about! By the time you have kids you will be a pro...isn't it fun though? I love having that little guy so close and I have the privilege of being with him every day. That is such a blessing in my life and to have Lindsay and Jorgen renting out the basement. Doesn't get much closer than that. She is such a great mom and Jorgen is an adorable Dad. Your day will be here before you know it. No RUSH, though...:)

Kimi said...

that baby is sooo cute. dont you just want one...i do.(:

Whit & Shane said...

i love you mom. you are the greatest.

Whit & Shane said...

yeah .. i want a baby real bad. Being around my sisters kids makes me want to be a mom. haha

Lorna said...

I love you too Whit! You are so dear to me and are a great daughter and an amazing Aunt. You really love your little nieces and nephews and they feel it. By the time you start your own family, you will be an old pro at it. I love and miss you and will see you this Tuesday. Hopefully you'll come over and see us when we get home. It seems like we've been gone forever!