Sunday, August 12, 2007

Called to serve- poem for jay!

You were called to serve
on a warm June day
to a place so far from here

Where children of god
are waiting for you
to bring the gospel near

With a smile on your face
and a willing heart
you anxiously prepare

to start your journey
and preach his word
to all the people there.

Oh my best friend
Im proud of you
and look forward to the day

when you'll return
a better man
who serves him day to day

i love you much
and thank you too
for the example that you are

if i didn't have you
to inspire me
I'd never had made it this far

your example is one
that to me will remain
forever in my heart

and i thank the lord
every day
for never tearing us apart

So remember this
for the next two years
that I'm always here for you

that your in my heart
and your in my prayers
through all the struggles you may go through

I love you jay
with all my heart
and have faith that you will be

a strong and faithful servant of god
to the people of Tennessee

by Whitney Kemp